Benefits of Best Health Insurance Policies-

9 Benefits That You Should Know About Health Insurance

9 Benefits That You Should Know About Health Insurance

Most of us believe that health insurance only pays for our hospital bills. But that's not the case choosing good health insurance will cover more than just those expenses. These less known benefits of health insurance remain unused due to the lack of knowledge in people. Come let's put some light on these benefits and the choose the best health insurance for us.

Alternative Treatments

In recent years the patients are really taking upon alternative treatments for a better and a quicker recovery. Alternative treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga or any other form of treatment like homeopathy have really come in trend. You should know that a good health insurance company will certainly cover this expense for you. So now don't be afraid to opt for the additional treatment make full use of this and enjoy its benefits.

Expenses Related To Organ Donors

A kidney transplant can cause you somewhere between 3-5 lakhs. Well if you have health insurance in place then you don't really have to worry about it. This facility is usually included in the health insurance however, some companies cover them up and then provides you this with an additional service. You should know that the insurer only covers the cost of surgery for harvesting the organ that is the other costs such as donors hospitalization, post-surgical complications and the cost of screening are not covered under this.

Attendant Allowances

It's surprising but it's true the insurer companies are supposed to cover the attendance allowances too. What are the expenses of one attendant who is with you in the hospital throughout? However many companies might have a fixed amount dedicated to this particular segment and many won’t. A particular no. of days might also be fixed like a company may provide a fund of Rs.10,000 for only 10 days so after it's expired you are on your own.

Recovery Benefits

In this, the costs of all the losses that have incurred due to the health issues are covered for example the loss of income that ha happened due to the health issues. This also covers a lot of other supplementary benefits that one might be unaware of. This is a really helpful amount that helps you recover faster and with much more comfort. Gain full knowledge before investing in the right type of health insurance come to PTIC and know about the most hidden benefits that you are to obtain from good health insurance. Don't stay unaware of anything and enjoy the benefits for everything you have paid for.

Domiciliary Treatment

Have trouble visiting the hospital well now you don't have to worry about that too. Your health insurance has got this covered all visits or treatments that are taking place at home are also covered under your health insurance. So feel free to ask your doctor to pay a visit to you at home and don't worry about the hefty amount that he/she charges because your health insurance got that covered too.

Dental Treatment

Strange but yes many health insurance companies due provide you with dental checkups every now and then these are only for the purpose of keeping their customers healthy and happy. So pay a visit to your dentist once a year and let your insurance company take care of the charges.

Weight Loss Surgeries

These type of surgeries no longer fall under the category of cosmetic surgeries rather they are a lifestyle technique to save obese patients. So if you feel that your weight is too much and that is causing you trouble in your day to day life just go for a weight loss surgery and lead a better and a healthy lifestyle.

Free Health Checkups

This is another major benefit that the health insurance companies provide their customers with. These checkups can be done on a periodic break of 3-4 years and all the health tests and other expense occurred during this time are covered by the company. So keep yourself healthy and take full use of these tests.

Daily Cash Allowances At The Hospital

Provides you with the day to day cash allowances that occurs in the hospital such as food or travel. For example, some may provide Rs.2,000 per day and others may provide less or more depending on the policy. I am sure all these benefits were pretty unique and we were all unaware of them. At PTIC we make sure to explain our policies and our terms to the customers well in advance and make them aware of the health benefits that they can incur from their health insurance. PTIC believes in serving its customers with full disclosure and loyalty. So to gain more and more knowledge about your insurances and to choose the right one to visit the nearest PTIC  branch and then make your decisions.

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