protecting yoursel financiallu agaisnt cancer
protecting yoursel financiallu agaisnt cancer

Cancer Protection Plan to Cut off Financial Worries

Cancer Protection Plan to Cut off Financial Worries

The alarming rise of Cancer cases

Nearly, 90 million people are suffering from cancer worldwide apart from 8.80 million cases of death. World Health Organisation (WHO) claims that about 5 lakh people die in India alone because of cancer and the number seems rising five times more by 2025. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 2016 saw fresh cases of about 1.5 lakhs breast cancer, 1.1.4 lakhs patients of lung cancer and 1 lakh sufferers of Cervix Cancer cases in India. The increase in numbers of Cancer patients across the globe is a cause of extreme concern with several new types of cancer that have cropped up.

How much does Cancer treatment cost?

The cost of innovative and advanced drugs to treat cancer can burn holes in the pockets of the entire family.  To illustrate, say the cost of Breast cancer surgery costs a whooping 2Lakhs to 5lakh. Chemotherapy costs 30k to 1 lakh per session, while every cycle of radiation therapy ranges from 1.5 lakhs to 2 lakhs. You need to shell out anywhere between 25k to 40k for a single PER-CT Scan and the targeted therapies can cost Rs.18 Lakhs to 20 lakhs per session. However, there are certain measures to lighten the burden of cancer treatment costs

Existing Insurance Plans Fails to Cover Cancer Treatment Cost

Regular health or medical insurance plans can help in paying hospital bills up to the assured amount. On the other hand, a critical illness rider can pay hospital expenses without submitting bills. Apparently, many health insurance companies may not pay for expensive cancer treatment costs. Similar is the case with critical illness rider policy, as it fails to provide the complete cost of treatment.

Fight cancer with best Cancer Protection Plan

The only resort to help in paying cancer treatment cost is the Cancer Protection Plan. This plan is available for people aged between 18 to 65 years for 10, 15, 20 or 80 years, less the ages at the time of entry. low cost of the premium on the Cancer Protection Plan is pretty advantageous. Generally, the medical examination is not a mandatory condition in many cases to avail of the Cancer Protection Plan.

Variants of Cancer Protection Plan

There are several variants of the Cancer Protection Plan to suit your pocket and requirements which are as hereunder :
  • Lump-Sum Cover – It offers a fixed amount of sum to cover the medical expenses of cancer when detected.
  • Lump-Sum Cover with Income Benefit – Apart from the fixed lump sum amount to cover the cancer treatment cost, get an additional benefit of the amount at a certain percentage on a monthly basis for a few years.

Benefits of Cancer Protection Plan

Even though the cases of diseases are high in India, people are not considering health protection plans seriously. Barely 1% of the total Indian population is under health insurance cover. This is due to a lack of information, and the absence of awareness about the benefits derived from health insurance plans. Comparatively, Cancer Protection Plan offers the benefit of clearing regular monthly cancer treatment bills. The Cancer Protection Plan clears medical expenditure easily without touching your savings or hard-earned income. Get Cancer Protection Plan easily, and relieve yourself from the arduous financial stress in case of the worst emergency.  

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