Have You just got Married? Here’s How to Secure Your Future

Have You just got Married? Here’s How to Secure Your Future

Have you just got Married? Here's how to secure your future by planning & investing through PTIC INDIA - Financial Planner in Delhi. So you are about to tie the knot with your loved one or just married? Congrats! You are heading to the whole new life with shared dreams and aspirations.

Along with planning a wedding, you are planning your new life together when you marry. It also includes taking big and new responsibilities about your finances for one another. Here comes the Life insurance, it can be the best wedding gift for both newlyweds. Life insurance is a need for newly married couple with new financial responsibilities.

Planning to secure your future:Have You just got Married? Here’s How to Secure Your Future

Whether this marriage is your first or second, you need to consider your insurance needs on the basis of future that you plan. There are so many plans and expectations for couples that are related to their income. Insurance is required every time to cover your debts and secure earnings in case of premature death of any partner.

The situation of every newlywed couple is different and evolves as the time passes. Be sure your specific needs are covered in your insurance and it is flexible enough to adjust coverage to meet the changes ahead.

Protection of both partners:

Each of the partners should take necessary steps to ensure that everyone is protected in case a partner is deceased. If you have an insurance policy by your employer (as through PTIC INDIA - Financial Planner in Delhi), it would be a good time to review it. You may need a more flexible policy or extra coverage. If it is the second time you are getting married, review and update the coverage and designations of the beneficiary.

Going ahead:

So you are moving to a bigger apartment with your partner, buying a car, or upgrading furniture or your house? Do you have plans to buy a house, apartment, or flats? Your expenses may increase anytime or you may get a new loan. So, you should expand your coverage. Or your surviving partner may end up struggling hard to pay debts.

Maybe you or your partner have dreams to start your own business one day. Be sure to set up an insurance plan which has enough flexibility to adjust your coverage as per your needs.

Having child:

Your insurance needs may increase drastically by having a child. You both need proper coverage if you want to have kids, whether you are staying home or working to raise a family.

Ask for advice:

By starting early and planning for future, you can get much-needed coverage according to your budget, as well as the freedom and flexibility to adjust coverage. By seeking professional advice, both of you can start your life with a feeling of security to go through all of the changes in life.

Visit us or Talk to PTIC INDIA's Insurance Advisor today.

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