WHY WE NEED AWARENESS ABOUT HEALTH INSURANCE. Since the last few years in India, the condition of Medical Coverage is at a pathetic level. According to a survey, only 15% of the total population of India use Health Insurance Plans to pay their medical expenses. These individuals pay their medical bills or expenses from their own pocket. Therefore, a large number of these uninsured individuals either end up with low-quality medical & health services or need to manage financial difficulties. Sometimes the medical expenses can raise the money related pressure on an individual. As a result, it will influence the way of life of the family member for a significant period of time. The main reason behind this is the absence of awareness and unwillingness among the individuals.

If the same continues, by what means will the general population of India pay their medical & health expenses later on? Will the undertaking of medical care providers be beneficial, when there will be nobody to benefit medical treatment?

In this way, there is a need to aware the individuals about health insurance and extend the number of insured people in India. Working towards the direction, each person, each medical cover provider and each health insurance company should play a dynamic role. It is only possible when individuals will get a quality of medical & health services at the time of illness or some misfortune happen to them. Every insurance provider company has their own designed plans. However, individuals should be asked to get them so that the condition of health insurance can be improved in the country.

Awareness about Health Insurance:

There is various Health Insurance provider whose things and offering vary from each other. The main point is that individuals should buy these schemes to remove inconveniences from quality medical services. These plans offer much facilitating to them and their family members at the time of illness or any misfortune happen. There is no need for an insured individual to scramble for the arrangement of funds at the last hour.

Increasing awareness about Health Insurance is not the only responsibility of the Health Insurance Companies and IRDA (Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority). To spread awareness among Indian citizens all the insurance-related authorities and related bodies should join hands and offer their assistance. As a result, Indian citizen will be aware of the benefits of Health Insurance without any financial thought.

The IRDA, TPAs (Third Party Administrators), government, Health Welfare Organization and media should show people how the medical cost is rising day-by-day. And how health insurance plan will be beneficial for them. Health Insurance provider should design these products, according to the needs of the customers. They have to encourage individuals to buy the health insurance products. The combined efforts of each one of these bodies will surely bring some change.

PTIC, a one-stop solution provider company, has emerged with a motive to increase awareness & willingness about Health Insurance among individuals and provide Health Coverage to them and their family.

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